Do you know the first disease that a child suffers from within a couple of days after birth is most likely to be jaundice? It is a disease most commonly found in children, but even adults can suffer from it at any age.

Jaundice Diet 

Best Diet Plan and Food for Jaundice Patient

Role of Food for Jaundice

The liver plays a vital role in our body to remove toxins and damaged blood cells. In Jaundice, this very part of our body gets affected and slows down. The combination of the right food items can help improve liver health and relieve jaundice symptoms for a patient. To recover fast from this disease, patients are thus suggested with certain food items to heal the liver. Therefore, a balanced food diet plays a crucial role in recovering from jaundice.

10 Best Food for Jaundice Patients


Tea or Coffee

Fresh Fruits

Fresh Vegetables

High-fiber Foods

Lean Proteins

Milk Thistle



Whole Grains


The key to recovering from jaundice is drinking a lot of water. It will help the liver to function properly. However, ensure drinking boiled or purified water to minimize the chances of contracting any further infection.

Tea or Coffee

A jaundice patient must also take high doses of antioxidants that are easily found in herbal teas and coffees. But ensure taking these liquids in moderate amounts to avoid further damage to your liver.

Fresh Fruits

When it comes to recovering from any disease, fresh fruits play an important role. Include citrus fruits like lemons and oranges; berries like blueberries and cranberries; and other fruits like papaya, watermelon, and chiku.

Fresh Vegetables

Apart from fresh fruits, include fresh vegetables in your list of jaundice food to eat. Add vegetables like carrot, pumpkin, ginger, garlic, tomato, spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower.

High-Fiber Food

Reserve one portion of your jaundice diet for high-fiber food, which will help to improve digestion and liver function. Some great options that are rich in fiber for a jaundice patient are broccoli, berries, chickpeas, oatmeal, and almonds.

Lean Proteins

Do include lean protein food items such as tofu, fish, and fish in your jaundice diet. These are rich in zinc and Omega-3, which will help heal your stressed-out liver.

Milk Thistle

Rich in antioxidants, milk thistle has one important compound called Silymarin, which helps to heal damaged liver cells. So, add milk thistle to your salad, snacks, and teas to recover fast.


Also, add nuts to your Jaundice diet. These are rich in Vitamin E, antioxidants, and Omega-3. Some healthy nut options for a jaundice patient are almonds, raisins, and walnuts. Try having them in soaked form for better digestion.


Just like nuts, do add legumes to your jaundice diet plan. These are good sources of healthy fats, proteins, phenolic acid, and fiber. Eating at least one cup of legumes per day will help to strengthen your liver.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are a storehouse of liver-friendly nutrients, so do include these in a Jaundice diet for relief. These grains are also a rich source of fiber, minerals, and healthy fats.

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