LIC Term Insurance Plans Features and Eligibility

LIC Term Insurance Plans provide financial protection and security against the risk of death.

LIC offers a host of options when it comes to providing insurance coverage to its customers. Term insurance is also one of its several insurance options to policyholders, which guarantees monetary benefit to the family (nominee/beneficiary) in case of the unfortunate death of the primary insured.

What is a Term Insurance Plan in LIC?

Here are some of the most popular term insurance plans offered by LIC:

Best LIC Term Insurance Plans

1. LIC’s Amulya Jeevan II Plan

2. LIC’s Anmol Jeevan II Plan

3. LIC’s e-Term Plan

A non-profit plan that offers financial protection to the insured’s family in case of the former’s death, Amulya Jeevan plan proves to be highly beneficial.

LIC’s Amulya Jeevan II Plan

1. Flexible policy term

2. Death benefit feature

3. Tax exemptions

4. Tax No-limit sum assured

This plan is slightly different from the other term insurance plans offered by LIC since it provides comprehensive coverage to the policyholder.

LIC’s Anmol Jeevan II Plan

1. Competitive premium rates

2. Term of the plan

3. Tax exemption permissible

4. Death benefit to nominee

As the name suggests, this is LIC’s online term insurance plan with regular premium payment.

LIC’s e-Term Plan

1. Online purchase possible

2. Death benefit

3. Premium rate preference

4. High sum assured amount

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