Chuara (Dry Dates) : Health Benefits, Nutrition, Uses & More

Dates are among the healthiest dry fruits grown in several countries and are widely available in fresh and dry form. Despite their sweetness, Dates are healthy because they are fiber-rich and have a low glycaemic index. Dates are great for soothing your appetite, especially when you crave sweets. Whether you eat dates as snacks or use them to make sweet delicacies, you are sure to get several health benefits from them. Likewise, dry dates are also equally beneficial as they have enough fiber and include several vitamins and minerals. In this blog,
let's learn about the health benefits of dry dates.

Do you know 10 top benefits of eating these ancient fruits and why dates are called a superfood? Read on to know dry dates benefits.

Dry dates, also popularly called chuara in Hindi, are an ancient fruit that find their origin as far back as 5320 BC. Dates have been a staple in the regions of the Middle East and North Africa particularly, but they are equally relished in other parts of the world, like India. Dates are not just enjoyed for their superb sweet taste but also because they offer a multitude of health benefits to the consumer.

This blog takes a peek at some of the dry dates benefitsBut first, let us look at what are dried dates.

What are Dry Dates or Chuara?

Dried dates or chuaras are the hardened form of dates that become hard owing to the low moisture content in them. They are better and also highly preferred over normal dates as dry dates are a storehouse of energy and several essential minerals and vitamins like calcium, fiber, and vitamin C. They also have an unusually strong flavour owing to the presence of concentrated nutrients in them.

Dry Dates Nutritional Value

Dates are rich in Carbohydrates as well as vitamins and minerals. The table below gives you the nutritional content of dates in terms of rich sources of carbs, vitamins, and minerals.

Carbohydrates Vitamins and minerals
One date contains 6g of carbs Dates have ample amounts of potassium, iron, and magnesium
Dates are high in fructose which is twice as sweet as glucose Dates contain six B vitamins, including folate and pantothenic acid
One date contains over half a gram of fiber Dates have phytoestrogens and polyphenols in significant amount
The sugar content of dates rises as the fruit ripens, while its fiber content goes down Polyphenols is an antioxidant that guards against the body’s cell damage
Dates are low glycemic fruit and have a glycemic index ranging between 43 and 55 Dry dates are also sources of calcium, the B vitamins, iron, and the vitamins C and K. T
  Minerals like iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, and selenium are also there in dates


Top 10 Chuara Benefits

Eating dried dates regularly is highly recommended because they offer not just one but at least 10 benefits for good health and longevity. Enlisted below are some of the top dry khajoor (dates) benefits that are sure to make you start including them in your regular diet:

1. Instant energy pumpers:

Feeling low on energy after a hard day’s work? Just pop a few dried dates in your mouth and feel an instant elevation in your sugar levels. Chuara contains natural sugars like fructose and glucose and is therefore also recommended for snacking in between meals, in place of artificial sugary biscuits and other snacks.

2. Keep diabetes in check:

Nearly 1 in every 10 people in the country today is affected by diabetes which is caused due to excessively high sugar levels in the body. This is mainly contributed by the regular consumption of artificial sugary items in your diet, such as bakery items, confectionery, sweets, candies, chocolates, and more. Research suggests that dry dates can help lower blood sugar and unhealthy fat levels in the body, and also regulate them. Dried dates supplement the production of insulin and reduce glucose absorption from the intestine.

3. Keep the heart healthy:

The amount of unhealthy fats and cholesterol in dates is very minimal. This is why dried dates help lower bad cholesterol or LDL levels in the blood. One of the most important benefits of eating dry dates is that their low sodium and high potassium content helps regulate blood pressure levels in the body.

4. Help you detox:

Dates are extremely beneficial for the liver too. Consuming dates regularly helps boost the functioning of the liver, thereby promoting the natural detox of the system. Regular consumption can also help prevent conditions like liver fibrosis or liver cirrhosis.

5. Natural digestives:

Yet another of the amazing dry dates uses, consuming chuaras is good for your digestive system. They contain antioxidants that help lose weight naturally. Besides, dates also have both soluble and insoluble fiber in them that helps boost the secretion of digestive juices and improves food absorption in the body.

6. Good for  brain:

Dates contain vitamin B and choline, both of which help boost memory. Besides, dry dates also contribute to lower risks of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. They are a great way to improve the cognitive performance of the brain. They also prevent the formation of plaque in the brain.

7. Natural laxatives:

Among the top 10 dry khajoor benefits is their role in preventing and controlling the symptoms of constipation. This is because dates are naturally rich in dietary fiber. They are therefore excellent at improving gut functioning.

8. Improve hair quality and texture:

Dates benefits for hair are not very commonly known. Dry dates are particularly helpful in promoting scalp health and hair strength. Regular consumption of these fruits can prevent problems of brittle hair, split ends, hair dryness, and more.

9. Stronger bones:

Dates are a rich source of calcium, which explains how eating a handful of dates regularly can help keep your teeth and bones stronger for a long time. They greatly prevent deficiency of calcium in the body and also help prevent conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, and dental problems.

10. Keep your skin healthy for long:

The presence of antioxidants in dates helps repair damaged skin and also lends a lustre and healthy look and feel to it. Dry dates are excellent for skin nourishment.

Benefits of Dry Dates with Milk Before Sleep at Night 

Consuming low-fat milk and dates has many benefits. Compared to the general perception, combining these two food items doesn’t raise the level of blood sugar. This is because both these items have comparatively low values of glycemic index.

Below are some benefits of consuming dates with milk at night:

  • Rejuvenate skin â€“ The combination of milk and dates at night is good for skin rejuvenation as it refreshes your skin
  • Strengthen hair â€“ The combined effect of milk and dry date is good for strengthening the texture of your hair
  • Avoids Anemia â€“ Consuming dates with milk is also good for preventing anemia. It also enhances your blood circulation
  • Eye Health â€“ The combined effect of dates and milk is also good for your eye health

In addition, having dry dates with milk is also said to be beneficial to the nervous system and improves bone density.

How to Include Dry Dates in Your Diet?

Including dates in your diet can be done in different ways for the best results. Here are some ways in which you can include this superfood in your daily nutritional content:

  • Replace Dates with Sugar â€“ Use dates in place of refined white sugar in some of the sweet delicacies prepared at home. The natural sugariness in dates will add the required amount of sweetness you need for the dessert.
  • Consume as Snack â€“ If you crave sweets or food in between meals, you can pick one or two dates to snack on. You may also use it to add a dash of sweetness to your cereals or salads. You can add dates to sweeten smoothies. You may also make date paste and use it in baked items like cakes and pies.
  • Healthy Bars â€“ Being sticky, dates bind well with nuts and peanut butter to make granola/energy bars.
  • Prepare new dishes â€“ Use dates with other fruits and food items like apples to prepare apple date butter or any other dish of your choice. You may look up new recipes in recipe books too.
  • Replace dates for cookies â€“ If you are someone with a sweet tooth, dates are the best option to fulfill your sweet desire rather than going for cookies, chocolates, or ice creams. Dates are healthy and are high in natural sugar and are easily available offline and online.

Summing Up

FAQs: Health Benefits of Dry Dates

Dry dates are an excellent source of energy, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants for women, especially in the later stages of their pregnancy. They also greatly help in naturally inducing labour at the time of delivery.

Absolutely! Dates are rich in numerous micronutrients like manganese, selenium, magnesium, and copper. They promote bone strength.

On average, 5-6 dates a day are recommended for good health. Since dates contain some amounts of natural sugar, it is not advisable to over consume them at a single time as they can increase blood sugar levels and contribute to the development of diabetes.

Dates are a good source of dietary fiber, however, eating too much fiber daily can cause bloating, gastric troubles, and abdominal cramps. It is recommended to increase fiber intake in the body gradually.

Eat a handful of dates every morning on an empty stomach. It serves as an energy booster and also promotes weight loss.

Yes, dates are high in estradiol and flavonoid which contribute to increasing sperm count in males.

Diabetic patients are generally advised 2-3 servings of dates a day.

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