5 Best Homeopathic Medicine for Diabetes Treatment in India

5 Best homeopathic medicine for diabetes treatment in India

Over the years, diabetes has become a major cause of several life-threatening diseases like heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure among others. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease, especially Type 2 diabetes, and the risk of this disease can be reduced by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Together with maintaining a good lifestyle, treatments, and medications are also important to limit the effects of diabetes. Many people opt for homeopathic and other alternative medications to reduce the risk of the disease and to treat it. In this post, we discuss some of the best homeopathic medicines for diabetes in India.

5 Best homeopathic medicine for diabetes treatment in India

Can Homeopathy cure diabetes? Have you ever considered the best homeopathic medicine for diabetes? If you haven’t heard or haven’t tried Homeopathy for treating the disease, read on to know the best Homeopathic medicines to control diabetes.   

When your body gets excess sugar or glucose, it gives rise to diabetes, which is a long-lasting lifestyle disease. Diabetes influences the  use of sugar in the body and it can be controlled by medication which manages the blood sugar levels. Also, you need other approaches like regular exercise and a good diet to keep the disease under control.

While considering the diabetes care plan, many people use homeopathy or homeopathic medicines to control the disease.  Under homeopathy, treatment is given to the patient as a whole rather than treating just the symptoms of the disease. The medicines prepared to control diabetes in case of homeopathy are made from natural substances. Thus, they do not cause any side effects and play the role of caregiver.

What do you Understand by Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a kind of complementary medicine that uses minute doses of natural substances to treat a disease. It uses an all-inclusive approach for the treatment of an illness. In homeopathy, the practitioner offers medication based on the history of the illness, the diet, and the lifestyle of the patients among other aspects. Besides, they create a profile of the patient as per his/her details for future reference.

In Homeopathy, the same medications are not prescribed to different patients. The practitioner customizes the doses as per the requirement of the patient. It is a slow process of treatment wherein the patient is required to visit the practitioner multiple times for complete healing.

What are the Common Symptoms of Diabetes?

Diabetes can show certain symptoms in some cases, while in some cases there may be no signs or symptoms at all. In case, diabetes shows no symptoms initially, it may cause trouble or complications gradually. Hence, it is important to get regular check-up of blood sugar done to control the disease.

Below are some common symptoms of diabetes:

  • Frequent urination
  • Increase in thirst and hunger
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Higher appetite
  • Increased perspiration
  • Frequent infection
  • Blur vision
  • Weight loss

Let’s take a look at some of the best medicine for diabetes in India in homeopathy.

What are the Common Medications under Homeopathy Used to Manage Diabetes?

Homeopathy offers some remedies for diabetes. Here are the names of some of the common Homeopathic medicines effective in diabetes. The details of the above medicines are described in the post below for your reference. These medicines are not supposed to be consumed without consulting a homeopathic practitioner or your physician.

  • Phosphoric acid
  • Conium (hemlock)
  • Abroma Augusta
  • S. Cumini or Syzygium Jambolanum (black plum)
  • Plumbum (lead)
  • Uranium Nitricum
  • Calendula (marigold)
  • Candida (yeast)
  • Phosphorus
  • Argentum Metallicum
  • Cephalandra Indica
  • Natrum Muriaticum

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicine For Diabetes

1. Abroma Augusta

This is regarded as one of the best medicines for diabetes under Homeopathy. Many doctors prescribe this popular Homeopathic medicine for diabetes to patients when they feel weak. It also serves well for patients who feel thirsty continuously with dryness in the mouth. It also benefits effectively for people with increased appetite or frequent urination. Even the sleeplessness among many diabetes patients is taken care of with this medicine.

2. Jambolanum (Black Plum)

Jambolanum is another effective medicine that helps in the treatment of diabetes. This is a natural medicine that diabetic patients can use. This medicine is known to work efficiently in lowering the sugar levels for diabetic patients. Excessive urination and thirst, which normally diabetic patients feel can also be reduced with this medicine.

3. Uranium Nitricum

For diabetic patients, Uranium Nitricum is regarded as a chief expellant medicine of homeopathy. This medicine is effective in maintaining urination along with serving other purposes like urine incontinence, burning in the urethra and enuresis, which are caused by the increased glucose levels in the blood. Thus, this medication supports in controlling blood sugar in diabetics. Further, it also takes care of high BP and fatty liver. But it is important to consult a doctor before taking the medicine.

4. Conium

This is an effective medicine to heal the numbness experienced in the hands and feet caused by nerve damage among patients of high blood sugar. This medicine also manages the weakness of muscles in the lower body of diabetic patients. Conium is highly toxic and is called a poisonous hemlock. It treats the neuromuscular issues caused by high glucose levels and assists in better sleep.

5. Phosphoric Acid

This is another natural medicine for controlling diabetes used in homeopathy. Depending on the constitutional symptoms of the diabetic patient, it can be used to heal the weakness of vision. Most homeopathic practitioners suggest this medicine to control the issue of frequent urination among diabetic patients.

The best way to check if you have high sugar in urine is by checking the urine color. If the urine is milky in color, it means there are high sugar levels in urine.

6. Natrum Phos 3x for Diabetes

Natrum Phos 3x is another remedy offered by homeopathy to diabetic patients, especially effective for type 2 diabetes. It supports in management of sugar levels in patients along with supporting digestive disorders. It is available in the form of tablets. It has other benefits like helping in reducing access acidity, killing warms in the intestine, aiding in morning sickness, and more.

7. Cephalandra Indica for Diabetes

Along with managing blood sugar levels, Cephalandra Indica supports the treatment of blood urea as well. This medicine will help sugar patients in controlling some adverse diabetic issues to get relief. People with sugar issues who face dryness in the mouth and excess thirst can get relief by taking this medication. The medicine also works in supporting kidney ailments along with addressing conditions like chronic fever or jaundice, headaches due to sun exposure, and more.

8. Argentum Metallicum for Diabetes

Use this medicine to maintain sugar levels in type 2 diabetic patients. This medication is also used for curing pain, inflammation, and nervousness. The medicine has therapeutic benefits in supporting neuralgia discomfort, sore throat, chest debility, and swelling. One can cure issues like laryngitis and voice hoarseness by using this medicine. However, no homeopathy medicine should be taken without the consultation of a homeopathic doctor.

9. Natrum Mur for Diabetes

High blood sugar patients can benefit from this medicine called Natrum Mur. This medicine promotes a healthy balance in the body, which in turn helps in the smooth functioning of the kidneys. When kidneys perform well to flush out extra glucose from the body, it supports in controlling the sugar levels. This remedy is also used to cure ENT issues and skin problems.

10. Phosphorus for Diabetes

Phosphorus is another remedy used for managing sugar levels in diabetic patients. Besides, it is used as a remedy for other diseases like bone and joint health, pancreatic issues like tuberculosis, and respiratory problems. This medicine is especially effective for sugar patients who complain about dryness in the mouth and restlessness.

Add comparison for Top 10 Homeopathic Diabetes Medications tabular data

Here is a comparison of the homeopathic medicines for diabetes and the precautions while taking them. Each of these medications should be consumed only after consulting a homeopathic practitioner or your physician.

Homeopathic medicine




Natrum Mur

Helps in treating diabetes plus skin and kidney problems

Avoid overdose, consult a practitioner

Mix 3-5 drops mixed in water (or as per recommendation) twice a day

Argentum Metallicum

Good for treating mental and physical issues

Avoid overdose, consult a practitioner

3 to 4 pallets thrice a day

Cephalandra Indica

Helps in treating diabetes and renal issues

Consult a homeopath practitioner, pregnant women must avoid

Mix 3-5 drops in water, twice a day


Helps with excessive dryness in the mouth and thirst

Consult a homeopathy practitioner. Sensitive people may not use

Mix 3-5 drops mixed in water (or as per recommendation) twice a day

Natrum Phos 3x

Helps in digestion and in maintaining acid balance in the body

Consult a homeopath practitioner, monitor the dose

2 tablets thrice a day


Controls diabetes and urinary issues

Consult a homeopath practitioner, pregnant women must avoid

Mix 3-5 drops mixed in water (or as per recommendation) twice a day

Uranium Nitricum

Controls weakness

Consult a homeopath practitioner, not suggested for those suffering from kidney issues

3 to 4 pallets thrice a day

Jambolanum Or S. Cumini (Black Plum)

Lowers sugar levels and helps in digestion

Avoid overdose, consult a practitioner

Mix 3-5 drops mixed in water (as per the recommendation of the practitioner) twice a day

Abroma Augusta

Regulates sugar levels

Always consult a doctor, don’t go for self-medication

3-4 pallets thrice a day

Phosphoric Acid

Helps in weakness caused by diabetes

Avoid overdose, consult a practitioner

3 to 4 pallets thrice a day

Are Homeopathic Medicines for Diabetes Safe for use?

Finding Diabetes treatment in homeopathy is quite common. Homeopathy medicines are termed as safe for controlling diabetes. However, it is important to consult your healthcare provider whether you should replace Homeopathic Medicines with other treatments you are already using for diabetes. Only after your doctor’s recommendation, you may decide to use Homeopathy to control diabetes.

Does Homeopathy Work for Diabetes?

There has not been many human clinical trials for many homeopathic diabetes medicines. Black plum is a natural medicine for diabetes which is used in homeopathy. However, those who are on insulin cannot find a replacement of insulin in homeopathy.

Despite the fact that there is no permanent cure for diabetes in homeopathy, these medicines might be effective in managing blood sugar when used along with regular treatment or as prescribed by a doctor.

There are some specific treatments for type 2 diabetes along with the regular medicines that show result within a year.

How Diabetes Patients Should Consume Homeopathic Medicines?

Since the medications available to manage diabetes in homeopathy come in different forms, the ways to consume them vary. A patient needs to consult a homeopathic practitioner while considering these medicines to control their diabetes.

Here are a few points to note for taking homeopathic medicines for diabetes:

  • Be it any homeopathic medication, it is always necessary to wash hands thoroughly before taking the dose
  • Most homeopathic medicines mention instructions for taking the medicines. However, people tend to ignore them. It is important to carefully read through the directions for taking the medicines
  • Homeopathic medicines shouldn’t be kept close to things with strong smells such as camphor and eucalyptus
  • A gap of half an hour is necessary before and after taking homeopathic medicine

Top Health insurance plans that allow diabetes coverage

If you want your health insurance plan to cover diabetes, there are many plans available in India offered by the best health insurance providers. However, if you are looking at treating diabetes under homeopathy, you will have to look for plans offering AYUSH cover, which include homeopathy.

Below are the top health insurance plans offering coverage for diabetes:

Diabetes Health Insurance Plan Sum Assured Eligibility
Aditya Birla Activ Health Enhance Diabetes Plan INR 6 lakh

Minimum entry age – 60 years

Maximum entry age – 80 years

Maximum Renewal Age – 90 years

Care Freedom Health Insurance Plan INR 3 lakh plus

Minimum entry age 90 days

No Maximum age limit

Star Health & Allied Diabetes Safe Health Insurance Plan 3/4/5/10 lakh

Minimum entry age – 18 years

No Maximum age limit

National Varishta Mediclaim Insurance Policy INR 1 to 2 Lakh

Minimum entry age – 18 years

No Maximum age limit

Ways to take Homeopathic Medicines for Diabetes

There are varied forms of homeopathic medicines available for diabetes. However, it is very important for diabetic patients to consult a doctor before administering these medicines. Homeopathic medicines for diabetes can be used in addition to the conventional dose of medicines that a patient is already consuming. Here are a few points to remember:

  • It is important to wash your hands nicely before consuming homeopathic medicines
  • Carefully follow the instructions mentioned on the packets of the medicines before consuming them
  • Don’t store the medicines together with any item that has a strong smell like perfumes, eucalyptus, camphor, etc.
  • Always remember not to consume anything before and after 30 minutes of taking the medicine
  • It is not ideal to consume herbal supplements together with homeopathic medicines for treating diabetes. This is because herbal supplements tend to cover your symptoms of diabetes, which will make it difficult for your homeopathic doctor to diagnose and prescribe medication

Types of Diabetes mellitus

The various types of Diabetes mellitus are:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Surgically induced diabetes
  • Chemically induced diabetes

Type 1 diabetes – This type of diabetes is termed juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM). Type 1 diabetes is usually seen among teenagers and children. However, it may develop in any individual at any age.

Type 2 diabetes – This type of diabetes develops in adults and often in obese individuals. It is called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and is responsible for most cases of diabetes.

Gestational diabetes – This type of diabetes mostly develops while a lady is pregnant or during the gestation period. It causes high blood sugar due to the increased production of hormones in the body. However, in most cases, gestational diabetes fades after childbirth, but it increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes in the lady later.

Surgically induced diabetes – If a person goes through surgery of the pancreas, they develop the risk of this type of diabetes because the body’s ability to produce insulin changes. This condition may or may not be permanent and it requires regular testing of sugar level in your blood to monitor if the patient needs insulin or medicine.

Chemically induced diabetes – This type of diabetes is induced by certain medicines which causes the blood sugar levels to rise higher than usual. Medicines like steroids, such as cortisone or prednisone, are some such medicines that induce diabetes chemically.

How does Homeopathy help to cure Diabetes?

As per homeopathy, diabetes is a disease that hinders the ability of the body to function optimally. The cause of diabetes is an imbalance in the body that results in making it incapable of utilizing the insulin produced effectively or it doesn’t produce enough insulin as required.

Homeopathy is effective in treating diabetes because it primarily concentrates on making the pancreas produce insulin efficiently. If you consider the metabolic condition of a diabetic patient, they need therapeutic as well as nutritional ways to deal with the disease.

Homeopathy controls the sugar metabolism in our body and helps it resolve the metabolic instabilities that cause diabetes. It also helps to arouse the self-healing power of your body to prevent complications of blood vessels, leg sores, loss of vision, kidney failure, etc. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed depending on the symptoms and the stress levels in life. Homeopathic remedies manage blood sugar if they are used together with regular/conventional diabetes treatment.

To Conclude

FAQs: Best Homeopathic Medicine For Diabetes Treatment

Homeopathy cannot cure diabetes completely but it can only help to control it. In fact, no medicine can cure diabetes totally but can only control it. Since diabetes is a lifestyle or metabolic disorder, it can be cured only by implementing dietary changes as well as including exercise in the daily routine of the patient.

There is no such permanent cure for diabetes available at present. However, the disease can be controlled and restricted by use of medication and lifestyle changes. This way, you can make diabetes get remission or the body will not show any signs of the disease despite it being present in the body.

Here are few tips to cope with the disease:

Lose extra weight 
Be physically active
Eat healthy plant based food
Eat healthy Fat
Skip fad diets and make healthier choices

Diabetes is a disease that is incurable and cannot be cured permanently. However, with homeopathic medications, one can control the symptoms of the disease. Thus, homeopathy helps in managing high blood sugar naturally without causing any side effects.

Though there are many homeopathic products that are diluted well, some of them that are labeled as homeopathic may not be so in reality. These products may contain certain active substances that cause side effects.

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